explore away


This is not a safe space for negativity

This is NOT a
       SAFE SPACE for :   

This is not a safe space for negativity

You deserve a balanced life

We make it happen.

Taking care of yourself shouldn’t feel like a chore, or another item to cross off your long “things I have to do” list — which is why we are committed to doing everything we can to make reinvesting in your wellness an empowering experience that you actually look forward to.

Because sacrificing your happiness for the sake of those around you is the brick wall holding you back from living a life you love, and you are worthy of wanting more.

CONFIDENCE for Unfulfilled Achievers

Taking care of yourself shouldn’t feel like a chore, or another item to cross off your long “things I have to do” list — which is why we are committed to doing everything we can to make reinvesting in your wellness an empowering experience that you actually look forward to.

CONFIDENCE for Unfulfilled Achievers

Because sacrificing your happiness for the sake of those around you is the brick wall holding you back from living a life you love, and you are worthy of wanting more.

words we live and work by

Change your beliefs, change your results

It’s time to stop asking permission 

All-or-nothing thinking
will leave you with nothing 

words we live and work by


Justine Jones

CEO, Co-Founder, Wellness & Weight Loss Coach

With a vision to make the world of healthcare more empowering and joy-based, I combined two things I love — beauty and wellness — to serve ambitious and unfulfilled women in a way that encourages them to design a life they love. 

Since 2022, we've helped countless women escape the rat race of self-comparison and build a life they are excited about living. We have the process, the proof, and the passion to empower you to feel confident investing in your well-being. 

We not only understand your journey but deeply resonate with it. And we want to be in your corner for the long haul.

The resume highlights


Master’s in Nursing and Business


15-year career in nursing. leadership, mentorship, and coaching



CEO, Creative Director, 
& Editor-in-Chief

With a vision to make the world of healthcare more empowering and joy-based, I combined two things I love — beauty and wellness — to serve ambitious and unfulfilled women in a way that encourages them to design a life they love. 

Since 2022, we've helped countless women escape the rat race of self-comparison and build a life they are excited about living. We have the process, the proof, and the passion to empower you to feel confident investing in your well-being. 

We not only understand your journey but deeply resonate with it. And we want to be in your corner for the long haul.




The resume highlights

In-Hand It All Began

Created by women for
Women who refuse to settle

You don’t need to suffer for the sake of being a “real” professional. Having started my career as a registered nurse in the operating room, self-care was regularly on the back burner. To put it simply, I was overweight, overworked, and unhealthy...

To add to my already full plate, I wanted to advance in my career and make a difference. With aspirations of becoming the Chief Nursing Officer, I put my energy into obtaining two master’s degrees all while having children and learning to live a healthier lifestyle.

And despite achieving those goals (and losing 130 pounds in the process), I still was fighting this deep feeling of discontentment shadowing my life. How much longer could I live this way?

After many years in the corporate healthcare sector, I decided enough was enough. I honed into what made me excited about living my life and the entire concept for Reborn flourished –

Beauty and wellness services inspired by strength, confidence, and joy. More importantly, a company dedicated to empowering women to feel powerful and confident in their lives each and every day.

Created by women for Women who refuse to settle

Self-Love in-hand It All Began


We’re obsessed with how self-care empowers women, breathes fire into their spirits, and revitalizes the love they have for life.

Allow us to introduce ourselves

Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer - MD

Aging-well enthusiast, people-person, and wellness junkie obsessed with how self-care empowers women, breathes fire into their spirits, and revitalizes the love they have for life.


Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer 


Certified by the American Board of Surgery


10 + years in General & Bariatric Surgery, Weight Loss, and Wellness-Filled Living



The resume highlights

The resume highlights

Certified by the American Board of Surgery

10 + years in General & Bariatric Surgery, Weight Loss, and Wellness-Filled Living






Co-founder/Chief Medical Officer

Reborn might be right for you if:

01 / 07

01 / 07

You have a lifestyle that makes it hard to prioritize self-care — and want to change that.

02 / 07

02 / 07

You’d rather work with us than keep going through the motions of life.

03 / 07

03 / 07

You’re over feeling unfulfilled and are ready to create a life you love.

04 / 07

04 / 07

You are ready to cultivate decisions that provide clarity and meaning in your life.

05 / 07

05 / 07

You want to replace self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs with confidence, bravery, and joy.

06 / 07

06 / 07

You’re ready to put in the work and start seeing results.

07 / 07

07 / 07

You want to take back your health and wellness to truly live a life filled with joy & happiness.

Reborn might be right for you if

our mission

our mission

To empower women to create a life they are excited about through an inclusive culture focused on self-love and wellness philosophies.

core values

















We are committed to providing a culture of honesty and transparency, both in terms of treatment plans and attainable results.

We are an equal opportunity employer and serve clients of every color, race, ethnicity, and gender.

We commit to advancing our clinician's knowledge and experience to align with industry best practices and techniques.

We champion our clients’ well-being and only support medically appropriate treatment plans.

the reborn way

Our 3

Applying industry research, medical best practices, and proven confidence-enhancing techniques to improve your happiness.

01 /  Revive the soul

Confidence & Life Coaching helping women discover self-love and inner power to build a sustainable life they are excited about living.

work with us

02 /  Refine the Body

Medical and cosmetic treatments enhancing women’s external confidence.

03 / Reach the Community

Community engagement empowering women and young girls to prioritize self-care and replace limiting beliefs with limitless aspirations for the future.

Need help taking control of your life?

Call in the empowerment Powerhouse

Who understand your desire, relate to your journey, and know just how to help you go from unsure to unstoppable.

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need words that go to work for your business?